Curious Room Progress…March Madness

The past week has been spent experimenting with media queries and trying to get Flexbox to work. Flexbox is not working for me so I may abandon the idea for my navigation altogether. I read a really good article by Gene Crawford titled: ‘Focus On Fully Responsive’ and in it he stresses that good media queries are a good foundation to a decent web site. The article was featured in The Responsive Web Design Handbook Volume 2 by Net (magazine). There were other great articles in the magazine as well – I only wish I had more time to do some of the tutorials. I learned also that Sass a system for web design I never heard of before, but after I did some hunting on the net I realise there is a learning curve to this technology and I don’t have time for it.

My FYP is a web based application, to be used within a firm so I started focusing on the media queries and trying to go from large to small and small to large and vice versa. I am going to go back to doing one set of screens for mobile as I am not happy with the results so far.  I have gone back to method used to build the News Site web design and I may just stick with this to get the project finished on time.

I was delighted yesterday when I got to push my code up through git and it worked the first time!


I started drawing my graphics in illustrator and it is very satisfying to have progress in that department. The navigation is a mess so far but I need to have a nav bar that can hold an image (and read from the data base)  and the design of each tab needs to have a different colour. Challenging but I have been trying out different methods to implement the design. I am attaching three images one is of the full screen and the other two are media queries – only the media query at the lowest break point is working! Earlier today the smallest two break points were working but I will just have to watch more You Tube and figure it out….quick smart!

I still can’t get Codeigniter to work for me so I am slightly worried about the database side of this project. I can only get working what we did in class so far.

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News Website Final

The news website project is mostly finished but per the notes we still have the deployment and test & stage but it is dated March 22nd which is next week and there is a conflict as it is Mid-term break here at LIT for Easter. Below are screen shots of three of the screens for my project. There are still issues with:

Login & Register (could it be in upper navigation)

Search Bar (I cannot get the magnifying img to work with the search bar)

Linking Issues with navigation as I added a lot of pages in the past two days.

I have also uploaded to Bit Bucket using MINGW64 and it was unsuccessful for over a week. I got it working once yesterday and again today with my instructors help in class.




south kerry





Development of News Site

I have spent the weekend developing a responsive site with breakpoints at these media queries (sizes):







I have been unsuccessful in my attempts at getting a hamburger menu to fully work so that was frustrating but my navigation is working on all sizes after targeting the parent and children in the navigation hierarchy thus,a step forward. This is a screen shot of my progress so far in a screen of 1200 px wide:


Go West Newssite

The development is underway the  bootstrap framework will be implemented for building the site. This is my first image of getting a nav bar working and some simple cols.


I am excited to be using this technology – all code will be pushed up to the git and this is taking a bit of getting used to – our instructor has been aiding us with this. To keep this project organised I am working off a master folder on an external hard drive and using the mac side of the PC’s in the college to access terminal.