The past week has been spent experimenting with media queries and trying to get Flexbox to work. Flexbox is not working for me so I may abandon the idea for my navigation altogether. I read a really good article by Gene Crawford titled: ‘Focus On Fully Responsive’ and in it he stresses that good media queries are a good foundation to a decent web site. The article was featured in The Responsive Web Design Handbook Volume 2 by Net (magazine). There were other great articles in the magazine as well – I only wish I had more time to do some of the tutorials. I learned also that Sass a system for web design I never heard of before, but after I did some hunting on the net I realise there is a learning curve to this technology and I don’t have time for it.
My FYP is a web based application, to be used within a firm so I started focusing on the media queries and trying to go from large to small and small to large and vice versa. I am going to go back to doing one set of screens for mobile as I am not happy with the results so far. I have gone back to method used to build the News Site web design and I may just stick with this to get the project finished on time.
I was delighted yesterday when I got to push my code up through git and it worked the first time!
I started drawing my graphics in illustrator and it is very satisfying to have progress in that department. The navigation is a mess so far but I need to have a nav bar that can hold an image (and read from the data base) and the design of each tab needs to have a different colour. Challenging but I have been trying out different methods to implement the design. I am attaching three images one is of the full screen and the other two are media queries – only the media query at the lowest break point is working! Earlier today the smallest two break points were working but I will just have to watch more You Tube and figure it out….quick smart!
I still can’t get Codeigniter to work for me so I am slightly worried about the database side of this project. I can only get working what we did in class so far.