Curious Room: LogIn & Seious placement issues of CSS

Last Week Tuesday April 19th Onwards:

Got some tutuors to look at curious room project so far – the landing page was criticized for not having a navigation bar and looking a bit bare. Thinking I had some time I decided to put a navigation bar with no links into to see how it looked. This was a bad move it was confusing on two levels:

  1. The suggested navigation on the landing page, login page and registeration page served no purpose.
  2. In Codeigniter I now had two navigation bars that were too similar and this was confusing but it took me a full three days to see why.
  3. This issue of having two navigation bars confused me in COdeiginiter about here the opening and closing was for the page as a whole. (see image)
  4. After sound user testing and feedback from users in industry and persons not in industry  from (Tuesday April 19th – Saturday April 23rd)   I decided to take the navigation out.
  5. After this exercise I realise I lost many hours and I could kick myself for listening to anyone but myself!

Lesson Learned:

– Listen to my gut instinct MORE. Stop relying on the opinions of others.

– I need to learn every style rule about CSS, it is unpredictable when i am not 100% on what exactly something is styling. When i know exactly how the CSS is styling I have more control over what I am rendering on the page.

So last week due to this major hiccuip it took me a full 24 hours to rectify in css, codeigniter and to test it to see if it worked. I will not put the fix up here but it is working. It was simple but tricky!

THis is what I got working last weekend.

  1. User login
  2. User registeration

I did this by using an example project from the php class and I am using this code as base code to get my project working. There are good features in the code and my hope is to get some more functions working for Curious Room around them.


Pushed to Git in one go! FYP V32

This is a short post, I am just making a record of my work so far. This evening I got some small javaScripts working after help from one of the tutors yesterday so thank you! A shout out from my blog to you! I tackled the navigation bar again and some more media queries on  some of the img links they are misbehaving. The yoga icon is very wonky in the yoga page but I will try to fix it again.

Php and codeigniter is a disaster so far, so poorly. I fix the errors and make more!



New Site Added for Creative Multimedia Programming side of things…

I am on my fourth or fifth blog for the course in multimedia at LIT so far so good.

Below is an image featured in my latest installment. I am fond of the color and getting used to using the blogger tools provided by google. Wow the interesting world of google – it is very dense for sure learning about analytics, site verification etc.

Here is my latest blog post entitled:

Creative Multimedia Programming


Today as a matter of record Meta tags were added as a simple method over the google tag managers. Tag Managers were deployed last week and seem to be working but advice has been given that the meta tags are simple and easy to use. Google tag managers require registering or the site if there is trouble verifying the site – google forces you to get a container snippet by creating a google tag manager account, crating a container and then by copying and pasting the container code.

An easier way to do this is to use an alternative, the meta tags and paste them into the head for the site.

For the above site I also accessed this list to manage the account:

google analytics,

administration property settings.

Blogger generates a site map so this is taken care of.


Curious Room Report

This week was interesting – lots of graphics were drawn but CSS was slow, firstly media queries would not work properly. I had to include the min & max and not just the max as I had done successfully in an earlier project. Then my navigation decided to act up. On the upside I had lots of fun experimenting with flexbox for my menu but alas it did not work. Another effort for the digital grave! No doubt there will be a price to pay for time ‘wasted’ in the coming weeks …..



I am having great trouble to get simple jQuery to work and the weekend was spent developing a nice looking media player that does not work, yet! Here are some screen shots of my user feedback development screen and about screen. It is still unclear to me how I will get the html integrated with php as I am finding it impossible to de-bug initial work. More challenges await….This creative world is a crazy gig – my deep desire is learn new ways to execute creativity but frustrations loom large; relying on old techniques to render new ideas. Yes the digital paradox.

Oh and I forgot to push to bit bucket so that is next on the list! A link will be posted as soon.