News site research continues!

The research was in full swing this weekend for this project for a news website. I am still toying with names for the site: IrelandGoWest or GoWest Ireland? Comments welcomed! Websites looked at included for analysis:The The Huffington Post, New York TimesNew York Post  and The Sun were anaylsed for issues:

– Usability (including number of steps to get to content)

-Layout ( how they were built in bootstrap & what is the structure ie grid system)

– Content delivery including the balance between news articles, videos and images

-Navigation (easy of use between pages fyi the New York Times has no home page!)

-Use of social media icons / overuse of media icons

Other blog sites were looked at too to see what is being offered to someone interested in exlporing the West of Ireland including Ireland’s Hidden Gems, Blogging from the Bog and sites such as The Burren Centre.

SIte Map done but Balsamique is not working for me out of college :(.. and all articles outlined!

Critical Path analysis has to be done and a task analysis breakdown.

One full article has been finished (very exciting) and now unto another….

Skellig 8

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