Week 6 Begins!

Today my tutor met with me. We went over the stages of interactions and went a bit more into details of the data base side of the project. The ‘hole’ in my sequence of steps was raised – I realised this after the presentation last week. To go through the selections of options again for each Avatar was useful.

So far for this project it will be necessary to have the following tables:

Employee 1 Details

Session ID Table

Employee 2 Details

Options Table  (Could have image in this table)


I am posting some images used  from today that relates to the above points.


Slides where on the left there is a ‘successful’ match for doing a meditation with another person. However the pop up for USER 2 is missing. It should be inbetween both slides above.


Schedule on the left we are in week 6 and the presentation for this project is week 9, on 16th March! Yikes – get cracking Fiona :) blog3

table sketch of sessionID table design for MySQL. Feb24_BLog4

Pop up For user 2 should appear on screen sketch from slide notes from presentation last Wednesday, 17th February.


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